Category Trends → Feature Overview

The Category Trends feature lets you track the top 100 products for any category or subcategory available on the Amazon Bestsellers page:


You can use this information to:

  • Choose the category better suited for launching new products
  • Get a high-level summary of the performance of a category to analyze a specific market (sub-category)
  • See historical rank at a glance
  • Find popular products that sell well, or look for bundling options or related products

3-Day View

The default view shows you a comparison of the product's performance for the previous 3 days. You can change the dates by clicking the arrows next to the first and last day or by using the date picker to select a different starting date:



You can choose a category/sub-category from the list to see the top 100 products for the previous 3 days:

Category List.png

You'll be able to see the following information for each product:

Product Info.PNG

  • Image: Hover over the product image to zoom in
  • Price: Buy Box Price for the relevant date
  • ASIN: You can also hover over the ASIN to copy this information to the clipboard
  • Average Rating and Number of Reviews
  • Historical Rank: Hover over any product and click to expand the historical rank graph

Hover over the graph to see the product's BSR for any particular day (the graph will display the daily rank information going back up to 90 days):


Additional Actions

The graph view has a few additional options:


  • View on Amazon: Click the Amazon logo icon to view the product directly on Amazon
  • Add to Product Tracker: Click the + icon to add the product to your Tracker
  • Look up Keywords: Click the key icon to do a Reverse ASIN search in Keyword Scout (this will let you see the actual pay-per-click keywords for that product).


  • Supported Marketplaces → Currently, Category Trends is only available for the US Marketplace. 
  • Missing Historical Rank → At times, it might not be possible to display a product's Historical Rank information:  

No Data.PNG

This can happen when a product is fairly new and there isn't enough historical data, or when a product is currently unavailable or had been out of stock for a considerable time frame.

  • Missing Product Information → There are a few reasons for missing product information:

Missing Product Info.png

  1. Amazon may have deleted or edited the category
  2. An outage during the information refresh (data gets updated once a day)
  3. The ASIN is ranked in a very low position (high numbers like 275,000) in a sub-category
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