Keyword Rank Tracker → Keyword Exception Rules

The following are the rules for entering valid keywords in the Keyword Rank Tracker (these rules help us ensure we only pull accurate data relevant to your search):

- Maximum of 4 words → Any word after the 4th one is removed  

- Special characters like #$%);?/@😋¡¿&:+=~ are removed  

- Each language has its own basic rules:

  • English: Any character from a to z or digit 0-9 is valid
  • German: Any English character or digit + 'äöüß' is valid
  • French: Any English character or digit + 'ǣǽæ̀œâêîôûéçëïüàèùÿ' is valid
  • Italian: Any English character or digit + 'àèéìòóù' is valid
  • Spanish: Any English character or digit + 'áéíñóúü' is valid

 - Also, invalid keywords are removed, plus any keyword that breaks any of these rules:

  • Any one word is longer than 32 character
  • Minimum length is 2 characters
  • Max length of is 132 characters 

For more information on this feature, make sure you read our additional articles on 📖 Rank Tracker:

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