Other Transactions → Bulk Uploading Expenses and Income Outside of Amazon

The Download CSV and Upload Entries buttons allow you to request a CSV file via email. This will let you create categories straight from the CSV file, add your Expenses and Income entries, and then upload them directly to Jungle Scout.

  • Click the Download CSV button. 



  • You'll get a pop-up message confirming your Manual Costs file is being generated and it will be delivered to the email address registered in your Jungle Scout account as soon as possible


  • Now check your email for a message from Jungle Scout with the subject line "Your product costs export"
  • Clicking on that Download File button will open the CSV file (note that, as stated in the email body, the link expires after 15 minutes)
  • Follow the instructions included in the file, enter the product's information under each column
  • Save the file in CSV format
  • Now, go back to Jungle Scout and click the Upload Entries button in the Other Transactions screen


  • Find the CSV file in your computer to upload it



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