Jungle Scout Home Dashboard → Feature Overview

The Home Dashboard is your starting point when accessing Jungle Scout and is intended to help you navigate the different features more easily, get a better understanding of how to use Jungle Scout, and gain actionable insights to help you grow your business.

Feature Outline

  • Depending on the status of your account, you will be presented with different options within the Home Dashboard:

    • Connect Seller Central and Jungle Scout
    • Add and update product costs
    • Sync your PPC data 


  • Customers who have connected Jungle Scout & Seller Central will see the following metrics for the time period they select (this information is updated daily):

    • Total Sales → Total Units Sold x Average Sales Price
    • Total Profit → Total Sales - Cost of Goods Sold - Operating Expense
    • Units Sold → Total number of units sold
    • ROI → Gross Profit ÷ (Unit Costs + Supplier Shipping)
    • Net Margin → Net Profit ÷ Total Sales
    • Average Sales Price → Total Sales ÷ Units Sold
    • Total Ad Spend Total spend on advertising clicks generated by a campaign or keyword
    • Total Ad Sales Total sales that are attributed to advertising within a 14-day window
      • Total Ad Spend and Sales take into account all 4 Ad types: Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, Sponsored Video, and Sponsored Display
    • TACoS Total advertising spend represented as a percent of total sales dollars

*Please note that to see Ad Spend, Sales, and ACoS, you need to enable PPC Data first.


  • Use the date-picker to view metrics within a specific time frame. Click the date-range drop-down to select preset time frames or custom dates from the calendar:


  • After selecting "Apply," your dashboard metrics will reflect the timeframe selected.

✨ New! Top Products & FBA Fulfillment Fees Insights

‍‍Now you can gain instant, actionable insights directly from the Home Dashboard.

FBA Fulfillment Fees

  • If your FBA fees change, you will see a banner informing you of the product, the per-unit FBA fee change, and the date when this change took effect. You are able to compare the average FBA fee for a product from the last week against the week before.

Screenshot 2023-11-17 at 09.00.39.png

  • Click on the banner to access the Profit Overview page so you can compare the old FBA fee vs. the new one:


Top-performing products

  • If you have at least one product set as visible in Jungle Scout (with at least one sale), the top product will be the first widget displayed in your dashboard by default:


  • You can use the arrows to scroll between products and filter the widget by:
    • Total Sales
    • Net Profit
    • Ad Spend
    • Ad Sales
    • Return Rate


Dashboard Sections

Our collapsible sections allow you to focus on the most relevant information while maximizing real estate space on your screen. 

Help & How-To


News & Updates



  • This section will provide essential business insights to understand and monitor various crucial metrics thoroughly. Metrics will be for weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly periods. For example, Cost Insights may alert you about increased FBA Fulfillment fees that you can dive into.


  • You can dive deep into insights that will take you directly to the metric to review.


Upcoming Events


Discover Jungle Scout

  • Scrolling down will take you to the Discover Jungle Scout section. We grouped the different features into categories to help you understand the purpose of our tools more easily.
  • Each section includes the corresponding list of features plus a "Resources" section with links to different training and supporting documentation.
  • In addition, each feature includes a link to navigate directly to the tool within Jungle Scout ("Use this Tool") as well as a "Learn How" option that redirects to either an Academy video or a Help Center article depending on the availability of the training resources. 


  • The following are the feature groups you will find under the Discover Jungle Scout section:





You can always navigate back to the Home Dashboard directly from the left-hand panel.


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