The Product Database has a lot of options to help you drill down into Amazon's catalog and find your next potential product quickly. Since there are so many filters available it's important to know what each means and how they work.
This is the Amazon Store or Marketplace you wish to search in. By default, the US marketplace will be selected, but you can select any of the other supported marketplaces using the pulldown arrow next to the country flag. Select the country of your choice and your search results will be specific to that marketplace only.
These represent all the parent categories* in the Amazon catalog. By checking the box to the left of each parent category only products from those categories will be included in your search results. Products from unselected categories will be excluded.
You can choose to search just one category or multiple categories at a time, there are no limitations to the number of categories you can include in your search results.
*Parent Categories are the ones listed in the dropdown next to the Amazon search bar. You can check if a listing has a BSR in a parent category by going to the product information section of the listing and looking to see if the first category listed under Best Sellers Rank is a parent category.
Product Tier and Seller Type
On the top right side of the page, you will see the Product Tier and Seller Type options. These are optional filters that can help you further narrow your search.
Product Tier represents the size of the product based on information from Amazon's catalog. Product Tiers are important because they determine how much you will pay in FBA Fees and how much you can store at Amazon's warehouse.
Visit our blog for more information on FBA Fees for each Product Tier
For more information on the specific weight and dimensions that make up each tier, be sure to read the Product size tiers Seller Central help page. And if you want to learn more about the FBA Fees for each Product Tier, we have a great article in our Blog → 📖 Amazon FBA Fees
Seller Type represents who is selling the product and how the orders are being fulfilled:
- FBA: Fulfilment By Amazon → The owner of the buy box is a Third Party Seller and is using Fulfillment By Amazon to fulfill their orders.
- FBM: Fulfillment By Merchant → The owner of the buy box is a Third Party Seller and is in control of the entire process after a customer places an order, including shipping and handling.
- Amazon → Amazon is the seller and fulfiller of this product.
This is the most important part of the search! You have the option to customize as many filters as you would like. It is helpful to start with broader search criteria and narrow it down as you look through the list of products.
Keep in mind that you can also save your search criteria for next time so you don't have to fill it again. You can also load filter presets to quickly and easily use readily customized filters. Be sure you read the next article for more information on these options:
📖 Product Research Feature Set → Saving and Using Preset Filters
Here's an overview of the filters you can choose from:
- Price → Decide the minimum and maximum list price of items you want to see in your search results.
- Net → This filter allows you to enter the minimum and maximum price of products after the FBA fees have been deducted. The FBA fees for each product will be noted in the NET column of the Database results, below the NET price:
- Rank → Choose the minimum and maximum Best Seller Rank (BSR) of the products in your search results.
- Est. Sales → Choose the minimum and maximum monthly estimated units sold (based on rank) for the results of your search. If you want to know more about how we estimate sales, you can learn all about AccuSales™ here.
- Est. Revenue → This filter allows you to enter the minimum and maximum revenue for a product after the FBA fees have been deducted.
- Number of Reviews → The minimum and maximum number of reviews on the products' listings.
- Rating → Want to limit the results in your search to three stars or less? This filter will do that for you. Just enter the minimum and maximum number of stars you want your resultant products to have in the Rating filter.
- Weight → How much do you want your prospective product to weigh? Enter the minimum and maximum weight, in pounds, into this filter.
- No. Sellers → This filter lets you dictate how many sellers you want on a product's listing. Again, this is a minimum/maximum filter.
- Listing Quality → We’ve developed an in-house algorithm to determine the quality of a listing, and this filter can help you find products that have listings that can be optimized. In general, listings that score under 2 or 3 will be of very poor quality, while a listing with a score over 7 or 8 have very good listings. Enter the minimum and maximum Listing Quality Score (LQS) you want for your results into this filter.
Date First Available
We've included this data point to help you see when a listing was first published to Amazon. You can filter results by selecting a specific Date Range or customizing a set of dates.
Entering Keywords to either include or exclude them from your search results can help you either target specific products or weed out products that you don't want cluttering up your findings.
You can enter multiple words in either field using a space or comma to separate them. If you want to either include or exclude a specific phrase, make sure you enclose it in quotation marks. For example, if you add the words crop, top the results will include any listings that have either one of those terms in their title. If instead, you look for "crop top" you will see results with that exact phrase.
Excluding Top Brands & Unavailable Products
The last options you'll see are Exclude Top Brands and Exclude Unavailable Products. Check these to prevent top brands and/or unavailable products from being displayed among your results.
Once you hit that Search button, you have several options to further customize and review your search results more easily.
- Number of results → You can select how many results you want to see displayed per page. Choose between 25, 50, or 100.
- Columns →You'll also have the option to select which columns you want to see. Click on the pulldown menu and select/deselect each option accordingly.
- Export Feature →You can export your results to a CSV file by clicking the Download CSV icon. Do note that this feature only exports results one page at a time.
Finally, note that you'll need to use the arrows to navigate from page to page and extract your next set of results. Also, keep in mind that the Database is currently limited to displaying 10,000 products, even if it was able to generate more than 10,000 results with the filters you used.