With Listing Analyzer, you can automatically gather reviews from any entered ASIN, allowing you to find common themes in both seller reviews and those of your competitors. This will help you better meet customer requirements and stand out from the competition!
Information in the Listing Analyzer Analysis is generated from the top 50 most recent, most helpful reviews.
This section offers the following insights:
- Common positive comments: What are the most common positive comments customers make about the product?
- Common negative comments: What are the most common negative comments customers make about the product?
- How to improve this product? What suggestions can help improve this product?
- How does this product compare to similar products on the market? Understand their product's unique selling points, pricing strategy, and overall competitiveness.
- How to beat this product? What are some recommended competitive actions?
- Are there any trends in the reviews? Are there any noticeable patterns or changes in the reviews over time?
- Comment patterns: Is there a pattern in the positive or negative comments?
- Consistent issues: Are there any consistent issues that customers have with the product?
- Review length: Is there any correlation between the product's rating and the review's length?
- Repeat business: Would most customers buy this product again?
💡 Please note if an ASIN has no (or very limited) reviews, the feature won’t be able to perform an analysis, and you will see the following:
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