API Endpoint Descriptions

To get the most out of Jungle Scout’s API endpoints, choosing the right endpoint for your use case is critical. Jungle Scout's API is a great tool for direct access to your business's most accurate Amazon insights. With Jungle Scout's API, you can connect the raw data to your internal company reporting, build custom dashboards, create applications to report to your team, and more. This article will break down the different available endpoints so you can decide which works best for your needs.

Endpoint descriptions, schema, and other technical information can be found in the Jungle Scout Developer Documentation.

Keywords by ASIN (/api/keywords/keywords_by_asin_query)

The Keywords by ASIN endpoint returns related keywords and data based on the queried ASIN. This endpoint is great for understanding which keywords your ASIN ranks for and how it stacks up to competitive ASINs. 

This endpoint will provide the following data:

  • 30-Day Trend
  • 90-Day Trend
  • Dominant Category
  • PPC Bid (Broad and Exact)
  • Ease to Rank
  • Relevancy Score
  • 30-Day Search Volume (Broad and Exact)
  • Product Count (Organic and Sponsored)
  • Rank (Organic, Sponsored, and Overall)

This endpoint allows you to input up to 10 ASINs at once and does not work on a 1-to-1 basis. Instead, it will return all keywords relating to those ASINs.

Keyword by Keyword (/api/keywords/keywords_by_keyword_query)

The Keyword by Keyword endpoint returns related keywords and data based on the queried keyword. This endpoint is great for competitive research, optimizing your listing, and benchmarking against the competition.

This endpoint will provide the following data:

  • 30-Day Trend
  • 90-Day Trend
  • 30-Day Search Volume (Broad and Exact)
  • Product Count (Organic and Sponsored)
  • Dominant Category
  • PPC Bid (Broad and Exact)
  • Ease to Rank
  • Relevancy Score

This endpoint works on a 1-to-1 basis. You input a single keyword and receive data on all related keywords. This results in one call.

Historical Search Volume (api/keywords/historical_search_volume)

The Historical Search Volume endpoint returns historical keyword search volume in seven-day increments. This endpoint is excellent for monitoring weekly search volume and trends over time.

This endpoint will provide the following data:

  • Start Date
  • End Date
  • Estimated Exact Search Volume

This endpoint works on a 1-to-1 basis. You can only input one keyword at a time and retrieve up to one year’s worth of data. This results in one call.

Product Database Query (api/product_database_query)

The Product Database endpoint is used to query the Jungle Scout product catalog. This endpoint is excellent for leveraging various ASIN-specific data points to zero in on the products you want to research further. This endpoint gathers multiple static data points for many ASINs that fall into your search and filter criteria. 

This endpoint will provide the following data:

  • ASIN
  • Product Title
  • Price
  • Reviews
  • Category
  • Rating
  • Image URL
  • Parent ASIN
  • Brand
  • Product Rank
  • Product Dimensions
  • Product Weight
  • Listing Quality Score
  • Number of Sellers
  • Buy Box Owner
  • Date First Available
  • Approximate 30-Day Revenue
  • Approximate 30-Day Unit Sales
  • Subcategory Ranks
  • Fee Breakdown
  • Seller ID
  • EAN (where available)
  • Variant review count
  • Ability to filter by updateAt field

The number of items in the response and the potential need for additional API calls depends on your filter application. For example: Specifying a unique keyword in the “Includes Keywords” parameter while applying various revenue and review filters can restrict the total results to 100 or less. However, if the filters remain broad, you may get thousands of results, requiring additional API calls.

Sales Estimates Query (api/sales_estimates_query)

The Sales Estimate Query endpoint looks at a specified date range and returns price and units sold over time with daily data points. This endpoint will also identify if the ASIN is a parent, variant, or stand-alone.

This endpoint will provide the following data per day in the date range:

  • Date
  • Last Known Price
  • Estimated Units Sold

This endpoint works on a 1-to-1 basis: it enables you to input one ASIN at a time and fetch up to a year’s worth of daily data in a single call.


Share of Voice (api/share_of_voice)

The Share of Voice endpoint helps you understand each brand's Share of Voice for a specific search term's first three search results pages. The returned data is organic, sponsored, and combined Share of Voice. This endpoint also returns the PPC bid and 30-day search volume for the queried keyword and the conversion rate of the top three ASINs for the last week.

This endpoint will provide the following data:

  • Brand
  • Combine Products
  • Combined Weighted SOV
  • Combined Basic SOV
  • Combined Average Position 
  • Combined Average Price
  • Organic Products
  • Organic Weighted SOV
  • Organic Basic SOV
  • Organic Average Position 
  • Organic Average Price
  • Sponsored Products
  • Sponsored Weighted SOV
  • Sponsored Basic SOV
  • Sponsored Average Position 
  • Sponsored Average Price


This endpoint also works on a 1-to-1 basis. It allows you to input a single keyword at a time and retrieve all the shared voice data for that keyword.

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