How to Access the API and Generate API keys

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to set up API access for the first time. 

You will need a Growth Accelerator or Brand Owner plan, or for older plans, you should be subscribed to the Suite or Professional plan to have the 1st 100 free API calls and purchase an API plan.

API price plans are as follows:

  • $29 - 1,000 calls ($0.029 / call)
  • $99 - 4,000 calls ($0.02475 / call)
  • $199 - 10,000 calls ($0.0199 / call)

Overage: $0.05 / call

To ensure that you do not go over your limit, your in-app Developer page will have a Usage meter to alert you when you are getting close to your limit. Once you go over your limit, the overage charge will apply.


call usage.png


You can purchase an API plan under Subscriptions.




Clicking "Purchase API" will pull up a window where you can choose the Tier of your choice:




After you enter your payment information, the purchase will be confirmed, and usage will begin immediately. 

API subscriptions can be canceled anytime under Subscriptions and you will have access to it until the end of your API Subscription period. Note: This billing cycle may be different from your Jungle Scout membership. 


You have access to the Developer feature in-app, where you will begin by creating an API key:

  • Navigate to your Developer page

  • Click on Generate Key on the top-right of your page




  • A pop-up window will appear. This is where you will enter a Key Name. You can only use letters, numbers, and underscores. Click "Generate Key"




  • A long key will be generated. Copy it (click the pages icon pages_icon.png to copy) and save it in a safe place. Warning: Once exiting the API Key window, you will not be able to copy this key again.




  • Once exiting the window, you will see the generated API key and key name listed within the table. 


You are now ready to use the API! All remaining information needed to begin making API calls can be on our Jungle Scout API Developer page.



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