In this article, you will learn how to set up the API using Postman. You can use Postman to familiarize yourself with the Jungle Scout API endpoints and refine your needed data sets.
This is what you will need to set up the API Using Postman:
- Postman
- Jungle Scout API Documentation
- Key Name and API Key
How to Generate Your API Key
Before setting up any endpoints, you will need to generate an API key.
- Within the Jungle Scout application, go to your Developer section
- Click on Generate Key
- A pop-up window will appear. This is where you will enter a Key Name. You are only able to use letters, numbers, and underscores.
- Click Generate Key.
- A long key will be generated. Copy it (click the pages icon
to copy) and save it in a safe place.
- Warning: After exiting the API Key window, you cannot copy this key again.
- Once exiting the API key window, you will see the generated API key and key name listed within the table.
Creating your First Request in Postman
Once you have generated your API Key, you will head to Postman to start a new endpoint. Postman is where you will be entering all of your data from.
Click the plus icon
and select Create A New Collection.
After the collection is shown in the Collection panel, click the ellipses and select Add Request.
- Open the new request, and rename your request as needed. It will be helpful to name it as the selected endpoint.
Creating the Headers within Postman
Four elements are needed in the header for the Jungle Scout API: Mime Type, Authentication, X-API-Type, and Versioning. You will find the information you need within the Jungle Scout API documentation.
Within your new request, click Headers. This is where you will enter Mime Type, Authentication (key name and API key you generated), X-API-Type ("junglescout"), and Versioning.
- Note: You must return to the API documentation to copy the Mime Type and Versioning Code.
Create a KEY called Authorization and paste in your key name and the API key.
- Note: When typing in your key name and API key, it must look like this Key_Name:API Key. There should be NO spaces between the colon and the values.
- Create a KEY called Content-Type and paste the Mime Type value: application/vnd.api+json.
- Create a KEY called Accept and paste in the Versioning value: application/vnd.junglescout.v1+json.
- Create a KEY called X-API-Type and paste the value: junglescout
When setting up subsequent endpoints, you can copy and paste the header information as these won't change between endpoints.
Choosing your Endpoint
Once you have created your headers within Postman, you can start using endpoints.
Within your request, choose the operation you want to use. Most Jungle Scout API endpoints are GET or POST.
- In the Request URL, you will type in the base address ( followed by the specific endpoint URL.
Enter the parameters as described in the API documentation.
- Note: All the Jungle Scout APIs will require the marketplace parameter.
- (Skip this step if you are not doing a POST or PATCH operation.) If you are using an endpoint with a POST or a PATCH operation, you will need to enter the body as described in the JS API documentation.
Click Send to send a request to the Jungle Scout API. The response data will show within the response window.