Bulk Uploading Expenses and Income Outside of Amazon

The Download CSV and Upload Entries buttons allow you to request a CSV file via email. This will let you create categories straight from the CSV file, add your Expenses and Income entries, and then upload them directly to Jungle Scout in the Other Transactions section.

  • Click the Download CSV button. 



  • You'll get a pop-up message confirming your Manual Costs file is being generated and it will be delivered to the email address registered in your Jungle Scout account as soon as possible


  • Now check your email for a message from Jungle Scout with the subject line "Your product costs export"
  • Clicking on that Download File button will open the CSV file (note that, as stated in the email body, the link expires after 15 minutes)
  • Follow the instructions included in the file, enter the product's information under each column
  • Save the file in CSV format
  • Now, go back to Jungle Scout and click the Upload Entries button in the Other Transactions screen


  • Find the CSV file in your computer to upload it



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