Amazon Settings → Fetching Data Upon Sign Up

Fetching your data depends on the size of your Amazon account. For small accounts, it could take only a few hours (5-6), yet for medium to large accounts, it could take anywhere from a few hours up to a day or so. This is because we don't pull all your data from Amazon at once and have to submit multiple API calls upon syncing. 

However, this is only when you first sign up and connect your account. Jungle Scout automatically imports two years worth of your Amazon sales and expense data from the moment you add your MWS keys to your account. After that, Amazon will share data with us much faster, and we also place API calls every hour in order to have the most updated info from your account. 


As soon as you connect an Amazon account, you will see a progress bar at the top of your screen. This indicates how much data we have loaded and how much data we have left to import. Click on the Details button to see a finer breakdown of the status of your account sync. 



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