Inviting Additional Users to Your Subscription

Account Owners with additional seats in their subscription are able to invite more users to their plan.

Inviting a New Member

  • Under Settings, click the User & Team Management option. Make sure you are on the Users tab
  • Click the Invite User button to add a new member. Enter their email address and select the Team you want this member to join (Full Access is the default Team). Click Send Invite to finish.


  • The User will be added to the list where you can confirm their status:


  • If you click the ellipsis icon, you can access additional options such as resending the invite and deleting this sub-account:



💡 Please note that all members must belong to a Team. You can create new teams and manage your members' access in the Team Management section. To learn more about this feature, be sure to read our 📖 User & Team Management Feature → Managing your Team settings article


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